It all began when we started throwing axes.
A few years ago, we went out with family and friends and threw axes together; we were instantly hooked. From that day on we always looked forward to the day when we would get together again and throw store-bought axes at tree stumps and makeshift targets.
We were just a group of people who enjoyed throwing axes as things. We didn’t have any training or experience, so we taught ourselves and we probably looked pretty funny doing it. The problem was that there wasn’t anywhere for us to go to learn properly or enjoy axe-throwing without driving into the mountains.
It was tough. We didn’t know anyone who could teach us, so we had no idea if we were doing it right! Many weird looks, broken axes, and minor injuries later, we knew we had to do something different.
One day it dawned on us, why aren’t there any business in Utah that provide cheap, fun, and safe options for axe throwing? Outside of particularly ill-advised boy scouts and adventurous families, there was nowhere for someone to go hurl axes at the wall after a hard day at work without appearing on the local news.
We weren’t the only ones. Everyone we talked to about axe throwing wanted to try it, they wanted to join in! Soon our group of wannabe-lumberjacks was too big to travel and play together.
That’s when we decided to start Phat Axe. It’s a company run by enthusiasts who started out just like you. We just have a passion for the sport and want to share it with everyone we meet. We understand what it’s like to throw axes for the first time, and we strive to make sure everyone feels welcome and loves it as much as we do. We don’t want you to feel the need to buy expensive equipment, or spend the weekend teaching yourself, so we created Phat Axe to be the kind of place you want to come back to.
Who's Ready To Throw Some Axes?
Reserve your time slot, invite your friends, and enjoy a day of unforgettable axe throwing!
Let's Go!